The fastest return on investment using a drone in Ag!
A reputable sample can be little extra cost/ac. and increase value extensively in decisions after.
Application Drone (Spray and Solid):
- Apply any time with out soil compaction or tire tracks .
- rain or shine. The drone is rain prove
- apply variable, GPS guided and specific areas in the field accurate with out have to drive trough the whole field.
Elevation mapping:
- Drainage Mapping with RTK survey accurately.
- Crop Hight differences
- With the right drone, you can Map over 1,000 acres. In 1½ hours, produce accurate mapping with missing information between swaths.
Crop Health mapping during the cropping season.
- Map before you scout for specific seasonal crop health concerns for faster, more precise crop scouting.
- use the maps to apply with the application drone for variable applications or specific areas in the field only.
- This can be coordinated with Satellite maps using the drone for greater detail (high resolution) or because of weather conditions or missing satellite availability.
Like anything else in Farming, you must calibrate this data before it is useful.
Satellite images and Drone data differences.
Satellite data:
- less work-intensive, if available for the time needed.
- great historical informality if no other data was collected.
- no fixed cost, only pay for the data you want.
Drone data:
- High resolution, available to be collected when needed.
- Immediately available after collection (short processing time)
- Less dependent on weather conditions.
- New sensors are readily available, no need to wait years for new satellites.
- Data available in more formats, open-source data to be used in any application